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1763 A street kiosk of masks

After Villon by Roger Farr Vancouver: New Star Books, 2022 $16.00 /  9781554201877 Reviewed by Harold Rhenisch  * After Villon is a delight. These shape-shifting poems are playful and challenging and a bit like dealing cards from the bottom of a deck with a knowing wink. The Villon of the title was a poet of…
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1762 Three on a beach

Sombrio by Rhonda Waterfall Guelph ON: Gordon Hill Press, 2022 $22.00 / 9781774220672 Reviewed by Steven Brown * Sombrio, by Rhonda Waterfall, is a dark tale of estrangement, paranoia, delusion and self-loathing, set to the tune of some kind of woodsy mystic opera, complete with the ethereal sound of singing off in the dark forest….
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1761 Pacific highways and byways

Incredible Crossings: The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries that Connect British Columbia by Derek Hayes Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2022 $46.95 / 9781550179903 Reviewed by Ron Verzuh  * Pacific Highways and Byways: Travelling Through BC History by Boat, Train, Road or Armchair Pick a road, any road. Chances are you’ll…
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1759 The bell of the artificial

oems by Matthew Tomkinson Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2022 $20.00 / 9781771837637 Reviewed by Matt Rader * Turned one way, words are never enough, never able to capture fully what they point to. As Robert Hass puts it, “because there is in this world no one thing / to which the bramble of blackberry corresponds, a…
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1758 Poems traditional and modern

Good Morning Poems: A start to the day from famous English-language poems by George Bowering Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2023 $20.95 / 9781774390658 Reviewed by Karl Siegler * George Bowering’s outstanding literary reputation is based on his over 100 published books of poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction over the past sixty years, which have earned him…
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1757 Announcing interview series

Announcing the BC Review interview series by Richard Mackie * In November 2022, at the most recent board meeting of the Ormsby Literary Society, the chair, Byron Sheardown, suggested that we open a YouTube channel and start an interview series. Board member Trevor Marc Hughes jumped at the suggestion. “I’ve got filmmaking experience,” he said,…
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1756 Slender and chiselled lines

Time Out of Time by Arleen Paré Qualicum Beach: Caitlin Press, 2022 $20.00 / 9781773860794 Reviewed by Marguerite Pigeon * Victoria poet Arleen Paré opens her slim volume, Time out of Time, with a note explaining the genesis of her project: the collection is a tribute to the Lebanese-American poet Etel Adnan. But we might…
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1755 God on the dock

Uncertain Kin by Janice Lynn Mather Toronto: Penguin Random House Canada (Doubleday Canada), 2022 $29.95 / 9780385697156 Reviewed by Alison Acheson * A dusty rooster and a badly tuned radio woke Priscilla just before six. It’s perfect detail that draws you in to Janice Lynn Mather’s world. Once there (with one exception, a story of…
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1754 The weight of the earth

Red Obsidian: New and Selected Poems by Stephan Torre Regina: University of Regina Press, 2021 (Oskana Poetry & Poetics) $19.95 / 9780889777750 Reviewed by Harold Rhenisch * There is an old story on this coast, told by people working daily with the Earth, turning it into land, fields and crops. It is called ‘The Farm.”…
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1753 Chinatown comes alive

Chinese Victoria: A Long and Difficult Journey by John Adams Victoria: Discover the Past, 2022 $80.00 / 97809973124125 Reviewed by Robert Amos To obtain a copy of Chinese Victoria, contact Discover the Past, 634 Battery Street, Victoria V8V 1E5. price $80 + $4 GST = $84.00 * A book about Victoria’s Chinatown is sure to…
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1752 The hold of place and family

Why I’m Here: A Novel by Jill Frayne Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2022 $21.95 / 9781774390498 Reviewed by Valerie Green * Jill Frayne’s book Why I’m Here is a combination of the strong pull of family, overwhelming heartache and puzzling mystery. The book is a compelling read set against the fierce splendour of the Yukon. The…
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1751 A feminist life examined

Sheila Norgate If You Are Reading This: A/Mem.oir/ish/ Gabriola Island: Ladies Institute Press, 2022 (printed by Hignell) $22.00 / 9780994761811 Reviewed by Susan Sanford Blades * It should come as no surprise that a memoir written by a multi-media artist who pushed the boundaries of normal throughout her professional life does not follow the general…
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1750 Out of the woods

Forest Walking: Discovering the Trees and Woodlands of North America by Peter Wohlleben and Jane Billinghurst Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2022 $24.95 / 9781771643313 Reviewed by Jodi Lundgren * Immerse yourself in a forest and use all of your senses to pay attention, advises Peter Wohlleben in this information-packed guidebook, a follow-up to his best-selling The…
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1749 Calling Anthony Thorn

Anthony Thorn. For the Honour of Art: Essays and Opinions by Lyndon Grove, Ihor Holubizky, and Brent Raycroft (editors), with contributions by Anthony Thorn, Robert Amos, and Garry Gaudet Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, and Regina: the MacKenzie Gallery, 2022. Printed by Friesens, Altona, Manitoba $34.99 / 9780888853868 Reviewed by Theo Dombrowski Note: interviews…
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1748 Life stripped down to the core

Backpacking in Southwestern British Columbia: The Essential Guide to Overnight Hiking Trips by Taryn Eyton Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2021 $24.95  /  9781771646680 Reviewed by Jocie Brooks * I sometimes ask myself why I backpack. There are the usual hardships to endure: a too-heavy pack, swarms of bugs and unexpected bad weather. Months after the trips…
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1747 A lovely sense of place & time

The Porcelain Moon: A Novel of France, the Great War, and Forbidden Love by Janie Chang Toronto: HarperCollins Canada (William Morrow), 2023 $24.99  /  9780063072862 Reviewed by Candace Fertile * While historical romance is not my preferred genre, I was immediately gripped by Janie Chang’s fourth novel, The Porcelain Moon, not so much for the…
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1746 Much grows in shadow

This Unlikely Soil by Andrea Routley Qualicum Beach: Caitlin Press, 2022 $24.95  /  9781773860985 Reviewed by Amy Reiswig * Anyone who has spent time in a BC forest knows it can be hard to navigate. Spaces between tall trunks are filled with thick tangles of salal, huckleberry, and ferns, and the way forward is strewn…
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1745 Built on a Dream

Built on a Dream An audio piece by Anne Watson * Introduction. Built on a Dream includes the voices of a narrator, a storyteller, and a historian. Positionality and self-conscious awareness matter in this experimental piece. I’ve written it different ways over the years: this is my first attempt using multiple voices. Pierre Bourdieu’s “Biographical…
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1744 Pioneer impermanence

Forgotten Cranbrook: A Photo History of Early Cranbrook & District by Keith G. Powell, Derryll White, and Erin Knutson Cranbrook: Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, 2022 $29.95  /  9780981214696 Reviewed by Ron Verzuh *  Pioneer impermanence: A photographic history tour of the East Kootenays I am staring into the faces of several older men…
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