Letters from the Pandemic by Sasha Colby * Editor’s note: we are pleased to introduce Letters from the Pandemic: A 30th Anniversary Commemorative Public Writing Project of the Graduate Liberal Studies Program of Simon Fraser University (SFU). Sasha Colby, Director of Graduate Liberal Studies, provides an introduction (below) to the Pandemic Letters project. The letters… Read more Letters from the Pandemic: Welcome
“Understanding this science, is a major step to encourage all of humanity to ‘think carefully about our options, and find a new course.'” Natalie Virginia Lang reviews Runaway Climate: What the Geological Past Can Tell Us About the Coming Climate Change Catastrophe, by Steven Earle, PhD (Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers, 2024) $24.99 / 9780865719897
When we launched The British Columbia Review — then The Ormsby Review — in September 2016, little did we expect that seven years later we’d post our 2000th review. I’m grateful to everyone — reviewers, publishers, authors, booksellers, and readers — for making it such a success and promoting BC writers, writing, and culture. It… Read more No. 2000 for the BC Review!
Attention students in Graduate Liberal Studies at Simon Fraser University! * Since 2018, students in the Graduate Liberal Studies programme at Simon Fraser University have contributed numerous essays, memoirs, poems, and book reviews to The British Columbia Review. We at the BC Review are delighted to maintain a productive collaboration with the GLS community, as… Read more 1970 Calling Graduate Liberal Studies
Welcome Trevor and Brett by Richard Mackie * On behalf of the Board of the Ormsby Literary Society and our Advisory Board I’d like to welcome Trevor Marc Hughes and Brett Josef Grubisic as interim editors of The British Columbia Review for the year May 1, 2023 to May 1, 2024. The position was made possible… Read more 1813 Welcome Trevor and Brett
Thank you, Yosef Wosk by Sasha Colby * Dear Students, Alumni, and Graduate Liberal Studies Affiliates, It is my great pleasure to write and let you know that Dr. Yosef Wosk, patron of our GLS Journal on the site of the BC Review, has decided to renew his commitment to funding the journal after an… Read more 1778 Thank you, Yosef Wosk
Announcing the BC Review interview series by Richard Mackie * In November 2022, at the most recent board meeting of the Ormsby Literary Society, the chair, Byron Sheardown, suggested that we open a YouTube channel and start an interview series. Board member Trevor Marc Hughes jumped at the suggestion. “I’ve got filmmaking experience,” he said,… Read more 1757 Announcing interview series
Antonyms for Daughter by Jenny Boychuk Montréal: Véhicule Press, 2021 $17.95 / 9781550655810 Reviewed by Jane Frankish * This collection of poetry from Jenny Boychuk presents the familiar sentiments of mother and daughter bonding but it also bears traumatic talons which seem to reach in and pierce that bond. I was particularly struck by the… Read more 1406 Trauma, detox, paradox
Letters from the Pandemic 34: To Walter Benjamin by Linda Quibell * Walter Benjamin was a German philosopher, literary critic, translator, and cultural observer. He attempted to escape the Nazis, but in 1940 took his own life in Portbou, Spain — Ed. * February 20, 2021 My dear melancholic friend, Please, tell me about exile…. Read more Letters from the Pandemic 34: To Walter Benjamin
Letters from the Pandemic 33: Letter from Baudelaire by Richard Fisher * This letter came to me from my spirit guide, Charles Baudelaire, through the medium of automatic writing. Inconveniently, I was also writing a letter to my Aunt Maud in Sittingbourne, Kent, at the time, so the two letters may have leached into each… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 33: From Baudelaire
Letters from the Pandemic 32: Hidden in Plane Sight by Keith Shapland * In 1969 when I was seven, Robin Shapland, my father, a Boeing engineer, hid me in the trunk of our 1967 Impala so that he could sneak me past security at the gate and onto Boeing Field in Seattle so that we could… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 32: Hidden in Plane Sight
Letters from the Pandemic 31: (De)facing the music by Jasper Lastoria * The dread of a tumble gives me more anguish than the fall. – Michel de Montaigne[1] Dear Reader, Anger is not a set of clothing I wear well; it fits me awkwardly, emphasizing the aspects of myself I’d rather de-emphasize. I have written… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 31: (De)facing the music
The Art of Losing: Loss and Gain During a Pandemic by Elaine Williamson Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster. — Elizabeth Bishop * When my daughters started their final year of high school and university in the fall… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 30: Losses and Gains
Papyrus by Diane McGee * Spring… Too long… Gongula… — “Papyrus,” by Ezra Pound [1] Look: the ellipses speak. They shout, in fact, insistent. I see now; Covid has really improved my vision. It’s always been about the ellipses, never about the stated. Context confers definition, words are just vacant containers. Read or hear them, though,… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 29: Papyrus
Dear Geryon by Griffin Tedeschini * Dear Geryon “What is time made of?” This, your favourite question, trails behind me, thin free shadow. This pandemic robs me of anchor points, no solidity to hang memory on. Instead, time calibrates by his growth, when he loses his puppy teeth, his first eruption of a bark. He… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 28: Dear Geryon
ESSAY: Sacred Cows by Sheila O’Donoghue * At The Ormsby Review we are pleased to host Letters from the Pandemic: A 30th Anniversary Commemorative Public Writing Project of the Graduate Liberal Studies Program of Simon Fraser University. Since December 2020, we have uploaded 27 letters and essays described by program director Sasha Colby as “moving… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 27: Sacred Cows
Covid 19: Living the Blues by Teresa Stolarskyj * Dear friends, In the days before Covid-19, indeed, for many years before it, I held residency on Saturday afternoons at Vancouver’s Railway Club. Immersing into the blues and rock n’ roll for a few hours a week, as regulars and newcomers alike took turns on the… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 26: Living the Blues
Dear GLS family by Jordan Johnston * “It is in times of security that the spirit should be preparing itself to deal with difficult times,” said Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, known to posterity as Seneca. The Spaniard, who rose to prominence in the Roman Empire, wrote those words in 65 CE. He knew what… Read more Letters from the Pandemic 25: Dear GLS family
The Elms by Katherine Krampol * Dearest V., Too long without words — forgive me. It was such an effort adjusting to this new life of perennial solitude and I lost myself in it. But today, the air is fresh and hopeful — Spring is coming! You were the first I thought to write to…. Read more Letters from the Pandemic 24: The Elms
Letters from the Pandemic 23: Letter to Mary Magdalene by Lilian Broca * Dear Mariam, Who would have imagined at the time we first met a few years ago that our newly formed relationship would be interrupted for several months due to a pandemic threatening the entire world? I certainly didn’t and I suspect nor… Read more 1032 Letters from the Pandemic 23: Letter to Mary Magdalene