Letters from the Pandemic by Sasha Colby * Editor’s note: we are pleased to introduce Letters from the Pandemic: A 30th Anniversary Commemorative Public Writing Project of the Graduate Liberal Studies Program of Simon Fraser University (SFU). Sasha Colby, Director of Graduate Liberal Studies, provides an introduction (below) to the Pandemic Letters project. The letters…
Read more Letters from the Pandemic: Welcome

A Letter from the Pandemic: Losing My Mother by Cathy Patel * Dear GLS Family, In The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion writes: “Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it.” I miss my mother. In the early part of the year of the pandemic, she died,…
Read more Letters from the Pandemic 2: Losing my mother

Letters from the Pandemic 1 Sit Down, Death by Jennifer Moss * “There is, let us confess it […] a childish outspokenness in illness; things are said, truths blurted out, which the cautious respectability of health conceals.” — Virginia Woolf, “On Being Ill,” 1926 * Dear Death, You might as well sit down now. We…
Read more Letters from the Pandemic 1: Sit Down, Death