Blood Atonement by S.M. Freedman Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2022 $22.95 / 9781459750241 Reviewed by Myshara Herbert-McMyn * S.M. Freedman‘s Blood Atonement is shocking and thrilling, terrifying from the moment you realize the broad accuracy of the events it describes the aftermath of. And of course, this is a situation where it pays to pay attention…. Read more 1783 Hooked from the start
Moonlight Serenade: Embracing Aging Mindfully by Gordon Wallace Victoria: FriesenPress, 2022 $28.49 / 9781039133020 Reviewed by Lee Reid * “If not now, when?” How often do we contemplate this rhetorical refrain as we question how to live well, if not more fully, through our remaining moonlight years? The catchy refrain is frequently invoked in Moonlight… Read more 1782 Whispers from the future
The Whole Animal by Corinna Chong Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2023 $19.95 / 9781551529158 Reviewed by W.H. New * Corinna Chong’s first book, The Whole Animal, introduces a startling new writer, one who is drawn to the disruptions of contemporary life and clearly unafraid of using the blunt language of her generation. The characters here… Read more 1781 Briefs
Knight of the Rails by Christine Welldon Toronto: Red Deer Press, 2022 $14.95 / 9780889956698 Reviewed by Ron Verzuh * Move Over Dickens: Meet a Canadian Pip and An Unusual Artful Dodger Novels for teenagers rarely cross my desk these days. In my youth I revelled in the adventures of the Hardy Boys until Mom… Read more 1780 Move over Dickens
In Our Youth: The Lives, Adventures, and Sacrifices of Early Canadian Flyers by Angus Scully Victoria: Heritage House Publishing, 2022 $29.95 / 9781772034219 Reviewed by Matthew Downey * In In Our Youth, Angus Scully of the Vancouver Island Military Museum tasks himself with an ambitious mission: to evoke the history of Canadian aviation in the… Read more 1779 Canada’s Great War airmen
Thank you, Yosef Wosk by Sasha Colby * Dear Students, Alumni, and Graduate Liberal Studies Affiliates, It is my great pleasure to write and let you know that Dr. Yosef Wosk, patron of our GLS Journal on the site of the BC Review, has decided to renew his commitment to funding the journal after an… Read more 1778 Thank you, Yosef Wosk
Double Karma by Daniel Gawthrop Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2023 $24.95 / 9781770866836 Reviewed by Theo Dombrowski * In many different ways Double Karma, by New Westminster writer Daniel Gawthrop, feels huge. Spanning decades, linking lives in the United States with lives in Burma (misleadingly called Myanmar by the military junta, as we learn) it is… Read more 1777 Burmese disguises
Dinner on Mars: The Technologies that will Feed the Red Planet and Transform Agriculture on Earth by Lenore Newman and Evan D.G. Fraser Toronto: ECW Press, 2022 $24.95 / 9781770416628 Reviewed by Eleanor Boyle * Dinner on Mars: A Delicious Thought Experiment I’ve never thought that high-tech inventions would solve the complex problems that bedevil… Read more 1776 New food for an old planet
Elliot Jelly-Legs and the Bobblehead Miracle by Yolanda Ridge (text) and Sydney Barnes (illustrations) Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 2023 $12.95 / 9781459833791 Reviewed by Cassidy Lea * In Canada, hockey is kind of our thing. A lot of us have played it, a bunch of us watch it, and if most of us were asked… Read more 1775 The hockey talisman
Sunset and Jericho: A Wakeland Novel by Sam Wiebe Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2023 $24.95 / 9781990776236 Reviewed by Brett Josef Grubisic * Regarding Sunset and Jericho, an expected question might be “So, is it any good?” Happily, the unhesitant answer (“Yes, absolutely”) inspires a better follow-up: “Oh, what’s so worthwhile?” The easy reply is… Read more 1774 Hardwired for defiance
ChatGPT and me by Larry Hannant * The media today is agog with artificial intelligence and its boundless possibilities to expand mere mortals’ striving towards perfection, or to relegate them to the scrap heap. The intensity quickened on March 14, with the release by OpenAI of version 4 of ChatGPT. In a thoughtful Globe and… Read more 1773 ChatGPT and me
Rare Merit: Women in Photography in Canada, 1840-1940 by Colleen Skidmore Vancouver: UBC Press, 2022 $39.95 / 9780774867054 Reviewed by Maria Tippett * Anyone who ever doubted the presence of female photographers in Canada from the middle of the nineteenth century ought to read Rare Merit: Women in Photography in Canada, 1840-1940. Colleen Skidmore begins… Read more 1772 Daguerreotype to Kodak
Ghosthawk by Matt Rader Gibsons: Nightwood Editions, 2021 $18.95 / 9780889714045 Reviewed by Kelly Shepherd * In what is probably one of the earliest examples of ecopoetry (“Smokey the Bear Sutra,” 1969) the American poet and environmental philosopher Gary Snyder describes the presence of several “great centers of power” throughout the North American continent. The… Read more 1771 Specific to the Okanagan
Silent but Deadly: The Underlying Cultural Patterns of Everyday Behaviour by Kirsten Bell London, UK: Caw Press, 2022 £11.99 (U.K.) / 9781399936323 Reviewed by Tom Koppel Trigger Warning: Skip this review if you are truly offended by offensive language * Kirsten Bell (not to be confused with actress Kristen Bell) got her anthropology training in… Read more 1770 Dissecting the everyday
Black Umbrella by Katherine Lawrence Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2022 $18.00 / 9780888017475 Reviewed by Christopher Levenson * How much do readers of poetry want, let alone need, to know about other people’s intimate family lives? Fiction has always explored the domestic world, but poetry…? Whereas in English language poetry it was fine for male writers… Read more 1769 Filtering adult stratagems
Oscar and the Folding Airplane by Peter Chapman, illustrated by Carl Osberg, with Polly Wilson (book design), Brent Alley (photographer), and Tom Hellum (web design) Victoria: Privately printed, 2022 $18.00 / 9781777941505 Also available for free download here Reviewed by Candace Fertile * Peter Chapman’s children’s book grew out of father-son story-telling sessions, in the… Read more 1768 Oscar and Sawdust take wing
Home is where the street is: Commercial Drive photos and poems by Rodney De Croo * I’ve lived in East Vancouver for thirty-five years. East Van is where I rented my first basement suite apartment after living on the streets as a young man struggling with addiction. It was in the basements of churches and… Read more 1767 Home is where the street is
If It Gets Quiet Later On, I Will Make a Display by Nick Thran Gibsons: Nightwood Editions, 2023 $22.95 / 9780889714489 Reviewed by Sheldon Goldfarb * What a quiet charming title, If It Gets Quiet Later On … And Nick Thran, the poet and bookseller, uses it more than once to open sections of this… Read more 1766 Trees, books, meditations
Scrubbing the Sky: Inside the Race to Cool the Planet by Paul McKendrick Vancouver: Figure 1 Publishing, 2023 $28.95 / 9781773272085 Reviewed by Douw Steyn * The strange “naked ape” we are has been on planet earth as a distinct species for about 200,000 years. Most of that time we spent migrating across all continents,… Read more 1765 Cooling our jets
Canada, By Jove by Betty Annand Airdrie, Alberta: BWL [Books We Love] Publishing, 2021 $16.99 / 9780228619437 (Amazon price and Amazon print ISBN) Also available as an eBook for $2.99 from these retailers Reviewed by Valerie Green * Betty Annand’s book, Canada, By Jove, is a charming tale of two young brothers, Ernest (Ernie) and… Read more 1764 The adventures of Ernie and Bert