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Searching for a better life

“Andruff is proud of his own successes and those of his family since their arrival in Canada as refugees in the 1920s. He is not boastful. Rather, Andruff’s goal is to demonstrate the struggles and achievements of refugees.” Duff Sutherland reviews The Russian Refugees: A Family’s First Century in Canada, by Michael Andruff (Vancouver: Heritage House, 2022) $26.95 / 9781772034196

A political warning of antisemitism

“Robinson’s book, unlike the purpose of those who vilify her, is not about demonizing the other. It’s about self-scrutiny — for us.” Stephen Hume reviews Truth be Told, by Selina Robinson (Self-published, 2024) $30 / 9781069165107

Emerging from medical training

“McAlpine’s memoir is a cogent, salubrious reminder that our accolades and impressive achievements are, more often than not, seldom the reason why anyone likes or trusts us. Initially, McAlpine keeps his recovery and his doctorly life neatly compartmentalized.” Jessica Poon reviews Prescription: Ice Cream: A Doctor’s Journey to Discover What Matters, by Alastair McAlpine (Johannesburg: Pan MacMillan South Africa, 2024) $37.50 / 9781770108042

‘We will start from there’

“Their book, a collection of case studies, reveals the parallel experience of Indigenous women living on the Canadian prairie in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the ‘nuance and diversity in their everyday lives, in how they responded to, resisted, and refused settler colonial intrusion, and in the ways they persisted in the face of the many transitions that infringed on their traditional ways of life.'” Linda Rogers reviews Métis Matriarchs: Agents of Transition by Cheryl Troupe and Doris Jeanne MacKinnon (eds.) (Regina: University of Regina Press, 2024) $34.95 / 9781779400116

Zero boundaries? Here’s help.

“This journal is like having a companion on the trail: someone who points out the pitfalls, loans you a shoulder to lean on in the hard parts, and gently steers you away from the worst of the hazards along the way.” —Carellin Brooks reviews Safekeeping: A Writer’s Guided Journal for Launching a Book with Love, by Chelene Knight (Toronto: House of Anansi, 2025) $34.99 / 9781487013073

Comox Valley’s rich writing history

“At 60 years old, the Comox Valley Writers Society (CVWS) might just be the oldest writing society in the province. To celebrate the milestone, Terrance James decided to document this niche history…before memory of the early days was lost forever.” Dave Flawse interviews author Terrance James, author of History of the Comox Valley Writers Society: 60th Anniversary 1964-2024

Respect and reverence

“Of course, throughout the book Butler wrestles with the degree of knowledge a non-Indigenous person requires to have a truly culturally informed appreciation of Coastal Peoples’ artwork. As a reader, I was somewhat enmeshed in this wrestle at first, then found a kind of community in Butler’s struggle in the knowledge that I was not alone in my wish to be respectful and culturally informed.” Trevor Marc Hughes reviews What Is This? Who Am I? Culturally Informed Appreciation of Coastal Peoples’ Artworks by Richard Butler (Victoria: A&R Publishing, 2024) $12.65 / 9798339967507

Showcasing Sunshine Coast stories

“It’s all BC coastal lore – this is Harbour Publishing and Howard White after all. Yet each volume is very different from the other. And the many authors involved amount to a virtual who’s who of the coast’s contemporary non-fiction writers.” Howard Macdonald Stewart reviews Raincoast Chronicle: Fifth Five, by Howard White [ed.] (Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2024) $60 / 9781990776939

A Sound Education

In which a university student from the burbs changes jobs in the heart of Montreal during the year of the Olympic Games.— “A Sound Education,” by E.R. Brown

Passionate travel, terrible loss

“What Todd has written and photographed is a riveting, honest book which Bruce Kirkby aptly states in his introduction – examines ‘mortality, meaning and connection’ with a ‘ruthless honesty (which) reminds me at times of Anthony Bourdain on two wheels.'” Isabel Nanton reviews Inside the Belly of an Elephant: A Motorcycle Journey of Loss, Legacy and Ultimate Freedom by Todd Lawson (Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books, 2023) $30 / 9781771605755

The Blood in the Stone

“Not one single gravestone stands to mark my family. It is as though they didn’t exist.” —In “The Blood in the Stone” Deborah Lane excavates family history and imagines life as it might have been.

Cooking over an open campfire

“This is a fun and informative cookbook that will connect camp cooks to the land. Its compact size encourages novice or experienced adventurers to carry it along on their backcountry trips.” Paul Geddes reviews The Well-Fed Backcountry Adventurer: Easy Trail-tested Campfire Recipes Inspired by 1920s Mountaineers by Bryan Thompson (Toronto: Canadian Expedition Heritage Society, 2024) $7.99 / 9781068946202

Resilience, transformation, memory

A poignant and intricate collection of evocative poems “demonstrates a virtuoso poetic sensibility.” —gillian harding-russell reviews Nucleus: A Poet’s Lyrical Journey from Ukraine to Canada, by Svetlana Ischenko (Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2024) $18.95 / 9781553807070

A woman of her times?

“Ann-Lee Switzer discovered the stories in the BC Archives of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. Five previously unpublished stories have been added to the collection first published in 2007. Nearly thirty of Carr’s original illustrations are also included.” Mary Ann Moore reviews This And That: The Lost Stories of Emily Carr (Revised and Updated) by Emily Carr, Ann-Lee Switzer (ed.) (Victoria: TouchWood Editions, 2024) $26 / 9781771514484

Was it all worth it?

“It’s as if Catherine is trying to live vicariously through Michelle, and thus how devastating that Michelle’s life was cut short, leaving Catherine to wonder what it was for, was it all in vain? Was the mission to Afghanistan in vain?” Sheldon Goldfarb reviews Embedded: The Irreconcilable Nature of War, Loss and Consequence, by Catherine Lang (Qualicum Beach: Caitlin Press, 2024) $26 / 9781773861517

‘Realism laced with compassion’

“She loves the idea of motherhood, unconditional love, but the journey is harrowing, the gynecological/psychological equivalent of fingernails on blackboards, tearing the night sky apart. But, in the end, the blackboard embraces as it informs us that we are one in the many, stars burning bright.” Linda Rogers reviews Monsters, Martyrs, and Marionettes: essays on motherhood, by Adrienne Gruber (Toronto: Book*hug Press, 2024) $23 / 9781771669030

Aging yet adventurous

“With their offspring grown, they sought a new lifestyle and found it on Clayoquot’s Vargas Island during a kayaking trip (Clayoquot Sound is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve). Vargas lies northwest of Tofino, west of Meares Island and most of its territory is a Park Reserve.” Marianne Scott reviews Escape to Clayoquot Sound: Finding Home in a Wild Place, by John Dowd and Bea Dowd (Victoria: Heritage House, 2024) $34.95 / 9781772034714

What lasts (and what doesn’t)

This memoir, a “whimsical look at the fall of the British Empire,” features anecdotes about the author’s assorted encounters with celebrities over the decades. —Valerie Green reviews Celebrities Who Have Met Me: A Child of the Lost Empire, by John D’Eathe (Vancouver: Adagio Media, 2024) $21.99 9781999433925

Non-typical memoir, non-typical family

“With Farrant’s impeccable talent for language, her story is beautifully detailed…This story will bring back memories to all who remember being a teenager in Greater Victoria in the 1960s.” Valerie Green reviews My Turquoise Years: A Memoir (Twentieth Anniversary Edition), by M.A.C. Farrant (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2024) $21.95 / 9781772016369

A tragedy of generational trauma

“It is the story of her survival expressed through her art, her poetry, and especially through the letters she writes to her grandson telling him stories of where his ancestors came from while hoping for a brighter future for him.” Valerie Green reviews Dear Arlo: letters to my grandson
by Olga Campbell (Vancouver: Jubaji Press, 2024) $21 / 9789981291130)

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