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Reviewer picks 2024 (pt. 2)

BCR asked some of our regular contributors about books they read in the past year that really stuck with them. “Eclectic” is our word of the year.

Reviewer picks 2024 (pt. 1)

BCR asked some of our regular contributors about books they read in the past year that really stayed with them. “Eclectic” is our word of the year.

‘Mutual respect among neighbours’

“George went back to post secondary school at the University of Lethbridge with the goal to becoming a high school history teacher. With every history course she made the point of viewing the narrative through an Aboriginal lens.” Sage Birchwater reviews ALHA DISNII – My Truth: Words from a Wet’suwet’en Woman by Corinne George (Calgary: Medicine Wheel Publishing, 2024) $19.99 / 9781778540417

In-your-face adventure travel

“Consider the evocative words of the book’s subtitle: ‘A Year Inside the Life of a Chronic Adventurer.’ The three key words? ‘inside,’ ‘life,’ and ‘chronic.’ Why? As much as this is the account of three long expeditions, it is also a frank and supercharged self-portrait. Holding back is not something Wolf does. On the contrary.” Theo Dombrowski reviews Two Springs, One Summer: a year inside the life of a chronic adventurer, by Frank Wolf (Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books, 2024) $28 / 9781771606844

An alternative to “rock bottom”

Touching on drinking rates, the booze industry, and the addicted brain, the guide is also a tool for those worried about their own consumption rate (or that of someone close to them). —Daniel Gawthrop reviews You Don’t Have to Quit: 20 Science-Backed Strategies to Help Your Loved One Drink Less, by Maureen Palmer (with Michael Pond) (Vancouver: Page Two, 2024) $21.95 / 9781774584668

A musical, musical life

“Most readers are likely to experience the whole narrative sequence, not as a life arc, but, rather, a scrapbook of incidents, many wonderfully ‘insane’.”—Theo Dombrowski reviews Have Bassoon, Will Travel: Memoir of an Adventurous Life in Music, by George Zukerman (Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2024) 24.95 / 9781553807131

‘A relationship with place’

“Amos connects Hughes’ reflective style of painting to his personal association with place in a way that illuminates man, art, and location to the reader.” Matthew Downey reviews two books by Robert Amos: E.J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island, new edition (Victoria: Touchwood Editions, 2024) $30 / 9781771514248 & E.J. Hughes: Life at the Lake (Victoria: Touchwood Editions, 2023) $25 / 9781771514194

The Carol I didn’t know

“I was wrong about her. Shields is among our best novelists. She is also in the forefront of women writers who have shown us that we’ve been a lesser reading nation for not recognizing the many works produced by women writers.” Ron Verzuh reviews The Canadian Shields: Stories and Essays by Carol Shields, edited by Nora Foster Stovel (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2024) $29.95 / 9781772840827

North Island nosecount

“The north island looks and feels now a lot like the south island did fifty years ago: primary industries, gravel roads and boys with big toys. Over that summer I worked my way back down through Vancouver Island, one census unit at a time. But the north end was where I stayed the longest, and the area I enjoyed most.” Michael McGovern writes “North Island nosecount,” a memoir of his time doing the 2006 Census for the communities surrounding Port Hardy and Port McNeill, from his book “Waltz Beats at 3/4 Time” (Victoria: Pro&McGo Publishers, 2023)

The outcome of cutting class

“Henry Miller said that Blaise Cendrars was the man Ernest Hemingway wanted to be.” Jim Christy writes an essay to introduce A Dangerous Life, Vol. 1: True tales from the life and times of Blaise Cendrars, the world’s greatest vagabond by David J. MacKinnon (translation), Blaise Cendrars
(Gananoque, ON: Guernica Editions, 2024)
$24.95 / 9781771839228

Making his way with words

“He met high-level influencers like former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, British travel writer Jan Morris, novelist Mordecai Richler, and up-and-coming political analyst Andrew Cohen among others. He recounts a lunch with future Booker Prize winner Margaret Atwood wherein she tells a series of dirty lawyer jokes. His path had taken him to the high-water mark of Canada’s literati.” Ron Verzuh reviews Line Breaks: A Writing Life by George Galt (Montreal: Linda Leith Publishing, 2024) $24.95 / 9781773901565

Founding father’s west coast perceptions

“Aside from the copious illustrations and comparisons of passages from Kane’s primary journals, the scribes account, and the final publication, there are the 14 sections of the preface, detailed maps, “Discussion” and “Notes” for each of the 25 chapters, which bring to life the “times, which is academically thorough and comprehensive.” Christina Johnson-Dean reviews Paul Kane’s Travels in Indigenous North America: Writings and Art, Life and Times, by I.S. MacLaren (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024) $450 (cloth, boxed four-volume set) / 9780228017479

Reconceptualisation of our local environments

“Climate change impacts human life on all levels; we feel its effects as individuals, families, communities, and nations. As Wiebe notes, these effects unfold within staggered and discordant timeframes: unfolding both quickly and slowly.” Petra Chambers reviews Hot Mess: Mothering Through a Code Red Climate Emergency by Sarah Marie Wiebe (Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2024) $25 / 9781773635668

‘All life is sacred’

“Nurses don’t get to make mistakes. This book is written as carefully as Crook navigated intransigent bureaucracy, patients, and children.” Linda Rogers reviews Always on Call: Adventures in Nursing, Ranching, and Rural Living by Marion McKinnon Crook (Victoria: Heritage House, 2024) $26.95 / 9781772034691

Overcome by blizzard and terrain

“On July 4, 2021, Greg hiked to the summit of Frosty Mountain, the highest peak in the park. From this high perch he could look out on the panorama below, the terrain in which he had spent five months searching for Jordan.” Paul Geddes reviews Called by Mother Earth: A Father’s Search for His Son
by Greg F. Naterer (St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 2024) $24.95 / 9781778530142

‘To immerse oneself’ in Victoria

“Trained in visual art … FitzGerald arrived in Victoria in March 2020 having made her decision to sketch and write about the city before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada and beyond. The focus of the book is ‘on the life pulse of the city of Victoria that kept on going in spite of it.'” Mary Ann Moore reviews Hand Drawn Victoria: An Illustrated Tour in and around BC’s Capital City, by Emma FitzGerald (Toronto: Appetite [Penguin Random House], 2024) $19.95 / 9780525611042

Was your day productive?

“Going to Seed is prefaced with an introduction that effectively situates the reader around Neville’s central thesis— consider what ‘being constantly occupied’ does to both an individual’s quality of life and the collective health of a community, society, and natural environment.” Natalie Virginia Lang reviews Going to Seed: Essays on Idleness, Nature, & Sustainable Work, by Kate J. Neville (Regina: University of Regina Press, 2024) $30.95 / 9781779400000

Youth ‘in a feverish haze’

A debut novella, in “some ways a mini-version of the classic Great Canadian Novel,” is “also a haunting subversion of that same overdone CanLit subgenre.”—Daniel Gawthrop reviews Yellow Barks Spider, by Harman Burns (Regina: Radiant Press, 2024) $22.00 / 9781998926190

Companions in B.C. folk music

“…British Columbia’s Songs of the Southern Interior, has Bartlett following in the footsteps of his mentor. The journey shows what time-consuming and labour-intensive efforts are required for such a venture. Bartlett describes his new book as “a companion” to the [Phil] Thomas memoir. He has followed the pattern established by Thomas by travelling widely and actively seeking material ‘made by ordinary people, in ordinary language, for pleasure and not for profit.'” Wayne Norton reviews British Columbia’s Songs of the Southern Interior & Phil Thomas and The Songs of British Columbia by Jon Bartlett (Vancouver: Vancouver Folk Song Society, 2024) $20.00 / 9780987725523

BC Review Annual Fundraiser, 2024

A note from Richard Mackie, publisher, The British Columbia Review. *  Dear friends, supporters, and readers, On behalf of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board of The British Columbia Review, I must mention our pressing need for continuing financial support from our reading community. We make this request for private donations annually to keep the…
Read more BC Review Annual Fundraiser, 2024

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