“Catharsis in the Alice Munro tragedy is limited and imperfect. But I hope that analyzing her life as though it were art will throw some light on us as fellow imperfect beings.” — “Alice Munro’s Tragedy of Secrets and Silence,” an essay by Holly Hendrigan.
“Stunningly and dismayingly, for a village that revels in the memory of Ginger Goodwin and its progressive values, Cumberland has never developed a co-housing project. It now struggles with social housing, and has instead enabled the sprawl of energy inefficient big-pipe developments of big ‘little boxes’ that are locally unaffectionately known as ‘Little Alberta.'” Loÿs Maingon reviews A Place Called Cumberland, by Rhonda Bailey (ed.) and The Cumberland Museum and Archives (Vancouver: Figure 1 Publishing, 2024) $25 / 9781773272511
“Long before this uncertain time of looming tariffs, which would include Canadian books, I felt deeply that it was important to support and promote British Columbia authors. As a nonfiction author, my dream was to create a book contest open to BC authors both traditionally and self-published.” Cathalynn Labonté-Smith writes about the 2025 Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society Awards being hosted in Gibsons this coming August.
In “Poets’ Pastime Paradise,” an “essay in play format about poetry” that’s set in a cemetery at midnight, author Sarah Freel corrals modernist poets, an American rapper, and a poetess named Reiko to versify while they debate over literary politics.
“Not one single gravestone stands to mark my family. It is as though they didn’t exist.” —In “The Blood in the Stone” Deborah Lane excavates family history and imagines life as it might have been.
Probing account of representational ethics “is elucidating without ever being didactic and genuinely enjoyable to read,” yet prompts “more hope than outrage.”—Jessica Poon reviews Under the White Gaze: Solving the Problem of Race and Representation in Canadian Journalism, by Christopher Cheung (Vancouver: UBC Press/Purich Books, 2024) $24.95 / 9780774881111
“This is difficult to understand, considering the wealth of titles that New Star Books has produced over the course of just over a half-century.” Trevor Marc Hughes writes about the winding down of operations of accomplished BC publisher New Star Books.
“She loves the idea of motherhood, unconditional love, but the journey is harrowing, the gynecological/psychological equivalent of fingernails on blackboards, tearing the night sky apart. But, in the end, the blackboard embraces as it informs us that we are one in the many, stars burning bright.” Linda Rogers reviews Monsters, Martyrs, and Marionettes: essays on motherhood, by Adrienne Gruber (Toronto: Book*hug Press, 2024) $23 / 9781771669030
“So perhaps it’s not surprising that there is no chapter on the Pacific Province. Oh, there is plenty here on the ‘West,’ but in Globe geography the West stopped at the Rockies.” Ron Verzuh reviews A Nation’s Paper: The Globe and Mail in the Life of Canada, by John Ibbitson [ed.] (Toronto: Penguin Random House [Signal], 2024) $34 / 9780771006289
“Her career has left marks on her stories of her life from beginning to (almost) end. Reading the memories in a collection, I hear her academic voice: wry, witty, reticent.” Wendy Burton reviews A Life in Pieces, by Jo-Ann Wallace (Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2024) $24.95 / 9781771872560
An “honourable and compassionate compendium of heartfelt statements from people who were willing to go to jail for their beliefs.” Sadly, it’s “over-long and at times tediously repetitive” too. —Ron Verzuh reviews Standing on High Ground: Civil Disobedience on Burnaby Mountain, edited by Rosemary Cornell, Adrienne Drobnies, and Tim Bray (Toronto: Between the Lines Books, 2024) $29.95 / 9781771136631
“I was wrong about her. Shields is among our best novelists. She is also in the forefront of women writers who have shown us that we’ve been a lesser reading nation for not recognizing the many works produced by women writers.” Ron Verzuh reviews The Canadian Shields: Stories and Essays by Carol Shields, edited by Nora Foster Stovel (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2024) $29.95 / 9781772840827
“The north island looks and feels now a lot like the south island did fifty years ago: primary industries, gravel roads and boys with big toys. Over that summer I worked my way back down through Vancouver Island, one census unit at a time. But the north end was where I stayed the longest, and the area I enjoyed most.” Michael McGovern writes “North Island nosecount,” a memoir of his time doing the 2006 Census for the communities surrounding Port Hardy and Port McNeill, from his book “Waltz Beats at 3/4 Time” (Victoria: Pro&McGo Publishers, 2023)
“Henry Miller said that Blaise Cendrars was the man Ernest Hemingway wanted to be.” Jim Christy writes an essay to introduce A Dangerous Life, Vol. 1: True tales from the life and times of Blaise Cendrars, the world’s greatest vagabond by David J. MacKinnon (translation), Blaise Cendrars
(Gananoque, ON: Guernica Editions, 2024)
$24.95 / 9781771839228
“Climate change impacts human life on all levels; we feel its effects as individuals, families, communities, and nations. As Wiebe notes, these effects unfold within staggered and discordant timeframes: unfolding both quickly and slowly.” Petra Chambers reviews Hot Mess: Mothering Through a Code Red Climate Emergency by Sarah Marie Wiebe (Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2024) $25 / 9781773635668
“Going to Seed is prefaced with an introduction that effectively situates the reader around Neville’s central thesis— consider what ‘being constantly occupied’ does to both an individual’s quality of life and the collective health of a community, society, and natural environment.” Natalie Virginia Lang reviews Going to Seed: Essays on Idleness, Nature, & Sustainable Work, by Kate J. Neville (Regina: University of Regina Press, 2024) $30.95 / 9781779400000
Essay collection relates the “great pleasure of strolling in great cities” and offers an appealing and illuminating “window into a wider world.” —Bill Paul reviews The Coincidence Problem: Selected Dispatches 1999-2022, by Stephen Osborne (Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2024) $24.95 / 9781551529653
Former government lawyer and author Richard Butler writes that there must be a better way than trying to implement the principles of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) through law reform. He sees it an exercise in futility and potentially risky for reconciliation. Richard Butler presents his essay The Futility of Aboriginal Law Reform.