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Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars

The Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars is an enthusiastic network of lifelong learners—avid readers and researchers, curious travellers and thoughtful practitioners—who are not affiliated with a university or college. CAIS members help each other overcome the barriers of isolation and lack of institutional support, to enable each other to make vital contributions to scholarship in Canada.

In cooperation with Simon Fraser University, CAIS offers full university library access to its members, online and in-person. We offer informal mentoring and advice for members, and provide grants for assistance with research, publishing and travel. Since 2001, CAIS members have been sharing the results of their scholarly activities at lively and supportive monthly meetings in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

CAIS is a national initiative developed by independent scholars, in cooperation with Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our distinguished patrons include John Ralston Saul, one of Canada’s leading public intellectuals, and the late anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss.

3 comments on “Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars

  1. This is a great initiative. My questions is, could academics with an affiliation to university or collage join the CAIS? If yes, whom should be contacted?

    1. Hi Bala, thanks very much for your question! I will make inquiries with my friends at CAIS, and I will reply by email and will also leave a comment here. Best wishes, Richard

      1. Hi Bala, I have checked with my friends at CAIS and they reply that, “If he’s full time faculty, then he can not be an ‘independent’ scholar. If he’s a sessional, we would be more than happy to have him. We have lots of sessionals. If he has any questions, he can contact me or go to our website.” I hope this helps, Richard Mackie

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