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Passionate travel, terrible loss

“What Todd has written and photographed is a riveting, honest book which Bruce Kirkby aptly states in his introduction – examines ‘mortality, meaning and connection’ with a ‘ruthless honesty (which) reminds me at times of Anthony Bourdain on two wheels.'” Isabel Nanton reviews Inside the Belly of an Elephant: A Motorcycle Journey of Loss, Legacy and Ultimate Freedom by Todd Lawson (Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books, 2023) $30 / 9781771605755

An Indigenous rights maverick

“At first, I was intimidated by the complexity and scope of the book. Especially with so many voices involved. But very quickly Wake provides a conduit into Berger’s story that makes it reader-friendly.” Sage Birchwater reviews Against The Odds: The Indigenous Rights Cases of Thomas R. Berger by Drew Ann Wake (Calgary: Durvile & Uproute Books, 2024)
$37.50 / 9781990735486

Cooking over an open campfire

“This is a fun and informative cookbook that will connect camp cooks to the land. Its compact size encourages novice or experienced adventurers to carry it along on their backcountry trips.” Paul Geddes reviews The Well-Fed Backcountry Adventurer: Easy Trail-tested Campfire Recipes Inspired by 1920s Mountaineers by Bryan Thompson (Toronto: Canadian Expedition Heritage Society, 2024) $7.99 / 9781068946202

Coal and trouble

“Langford is a retired scholar who knows the communities and has a special knowledge of towns like Fernie, Sparwood, and others in the East Kootenay district…He also knows his mining labour history and he helpfully supplies short sidebars of specific mine leaders.” Ron Verzuh reviews The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out: Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community by Tom Langford (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024) $39.95 / 9780774869294

Resilience, transformation, memory

A poignant and intricate collection of evocative poems “demonstrates a virtuoso poetic sensibility.” —gillian harding-russell reviews Nucleus: A Poet’s Lyrical Journey from Ukraine to Canada, by Svetlana Ischenko (Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2024) $18.95 / 9781553807070

A woman of her times?

“Ann-Lee Switzer discovered the stories in the BC Archives of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. Five previously unpublished stories have been added to the collection first published in 2007. Nearly thirty of Carr’s original illustrations are also included.” Mary Ann Moore reviews This And That: The Lost Stories of Emily Carr (Revised and Updated) by Emily Carr, Ann-Lee Switzer (ed.) (Victoria: TouchWood Editions, 2024) $26 / 9781771514484

News on the ‘four Ds of diversity’

Probing account of representational ethics “is elucidating without ever being didactic and genuinely enjoyable to read,” yet prompts “more hope than outrage.”—Jessica Poon reviews Under the White Gaze: Solving the Problem of Race and Representation in Canadian Journalism, by Christopher Cheung (Vancouver: UBC Press/Purich Books, 2024) $24.95 / 9780774881111

Acknowledging New Star’s contribution

“This is difficult to understand, considering the wealth of titles that New Star Books has produced over the course of just over a half-century.” Trevor Marc Hughes writes about the winding down of operations of accomplished BC publisher New Star Books.

From A (aliens) to Z (zombies)

At its best, a debut collection of 15 stories is deeply unsettling, anxiety-inducing, and memorably character-driven. —Zoe McKenna reviews I Will Wander On: Terrifying Tales of Life, Love, & Death, by Ron Prasad (Acheson: iUniverse, 2024) $30.95 / 9781663266477

An everyman’s BC history

“This book outlines these men’s actions, detailing the things some people then found to be positive, in terms of developing businesses and resource allocation. However, on their journey to success by method of coverup and coercion they have not only destroyed lives, but ways of living, culture, and human rights.” Jeffrey Stychin reviews When Heroes Become Villains: Helmcken, Trutch, Bowser, and the Streets, Lakes, and Towns Named After Them, by Jon Bartlett & Brian Robertson (Vancouver: New Star Books, 2024) $18 / 9781554202126

Seeing ‘what once was’

A striking, immersive sophomore collection of poems: “The end result is an impressive, well-considered, coherent, and powerful book whose emotional and linguistic subtleties reward frequent re-reading.” —Christopher Levenson reviews Water Quality, by Cynthia Woodman Kerkham (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024) $19.95 / 9780228022978

Was it all worth it?

“It’s as if Catherine is trying to live vicariously through Michelle, and thus how devastating that Michelle’s life was cut short, leaving Catherine to wonder what it was for, was it all in vain? Was the mission to Afghanistan in vain?” Sheldon Goldfarb reviews Embedded: The Irreconcilable Nature of War, Loss and Consequence, by Catherine Lang (Qualicum Beach: Caitlin Press, 2024) $26 / 9781773861517

More soothing secrets

“There are about 115 hot springs mentioned in this book, some well-known and easy to access, others much visited but more of a trudge to get to (boat or plane needed), and some more recently discovered and worth the trek to visit. Most of the hot springs discussed in the book give the route to reach the place, fine photographs, and excellent primers and teasers in what will be seen when there.” Ron Dart reviews Hot Springs of Western Canada: A Complete Guide (4th edition) by Glenn Woodsworth & David Woodsworth (Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2023) $26.95 / 9781990776441

Read the words, stay for the images

In book form, a current exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario commands attention, draws the eye, and titillates the mind. —Brett Josef Grubisic reviews Light Years: The Phil Lind Gift, by Adam Welch (Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions and Art Gallery of Ontario, 2024) $40.00 / 9781773104393

Diffident souls in liminal states

A baker’s dozen of engrossing stories range broadly—from militaristic dystopias to the Vietnam War—and often portray the volatile dynamics of men in imbalanced relationships. —Theo Dombrowski reviews Unsettling Dreams, by Michael Whatling (Victoria: Mortal Coil Books, 2024) $16.99 / 1777569958

Hard times in ’41

Author draws on true-life experiences to portray hardship and perseverance in a wintry city during a horrific three-year campaign of attrition. —Heidi Greco reviews Winter of Siege, by Jan DeGrass (Garden Bay: MW Books, 2023) $20.00 / 9780995277830

The ‘darkness in big people’s lives’

A young protagonist navigates family secrets, unreliable bonds, and sudden violence in a stylish and poetic debut novel. —Jessica Poon reviews The Pages of the Sea, by Anne Hawk (Windsor: Biblioasis, 2024) $24.95 / 9781771966535

‘Realism laced with compassion’

“She loves the idea of motherhood, unconditional love, but the journey is harrowing, the gynecological/psychological equivalent of fingernails on blackboards, tearing the night sky apart. But, in the end, the blackboard embraces as it informs us that we are one in the many, stars burning bright.” Linda Rogers reviews Monsters, Martyrs, and Marionettes: essays on motherhood, by Adrienne Gruber (Toronto: Book*hug Press, 2024) $23 / 9781771669030

‘A lifetime of striving’

“Like many other books in this genre, Murray’s stories speak of the victimization of Indigenous people. But Murray is nobody’s victim and by his example others may heal themselves and their loved ones from intergenerational trauma, just as he had.” Richard Butler reviews Who We Are: Four Questions for a Life and a Nation by The Honourable Murray Sinclair CC, Mazina Giizhik (as told to Sara Sinclair and Niigaanwedom Sinclair), (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2024) $29.95 / 9780771099106

Bloodlust and bayous

Debut novel immerses readers “in the infested Gothic stream of the American South” and portrays memorably obsessive characters “nurtured on beer and cigarettes.” —Michael Greenstein reviews After We Drowned, by Jill Yonit Goldberg (Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2024) $22.00 / 9781772142273

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