“The poor will always be with us. Reverend Al’s book challenges each of us on how we are going to respond. Do we, in Sonia Furstenau’s memorable phrase, continue to ‘drive our Lamborghinis through the tent city on Pandora Avenue?’ We can do better.” Richard Butler reviews Muddy Water: Stories from the Street, by Al Tysick (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers [Resource Publications], 2024) $25 (USD) / 9798385215010
“This tightly-written, 131-page extended essay contains 11 pages of references well-mined from film theory and queer theory in both English and German. Its three chapters cover the film’s production, including the melodrama between genre cinema and public health discourse…” Daniel Gawthrop reviews Anders als die Andern (Different from the Others) by Ervin Malakaj (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023) $19.95 / 9780228018681
“Throughout this book, the reader is taught that Yah’guudang (respect) should guide all aspects of daily living, and as the book progresses, we see more specifically how this practice should be carried out while one is out on the land for harvesting and when materials are being processed for basketry.” Sharon Fortney reviews From A Square to A Circle: Haida Basketry by Ilskyalas, Delores Churchill (Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2024) $34.95 / 9781990776854
“Probably my favorite chapter is ‘Adventures in Sexism: Media, Music and Mucking up the Boys’ Club,’ which begins, ‘It’s hard to pinpoint the first time I realized I mattered less to somebody because I was a girl.’ She then carries on beyond her own personal experience to pastiche media critiques of her main four female musicians, demonstrating the cruel extent to which they had to combat multiple forms of reductionism, from being compared to other women performers, to being dismissed as mere puppets of their Svengalis.” Catherine Owen reviews We Oughta Know: How Celine, Shania, Alanis and Sarah Ruled the ’90s and Changed Canadian Music by Andrea Warner (Toronto: ECW Press, 2024) $24.95 / 9781770417748
“In her introduction, Denter herself explains ‘When we find our thing, the thing we’re good at, it’s like a life raft in the stormy sea of life.’ For some of the women she writes about it is writing. For others it is to start a business, to become a photographer, or to act. There are so many excellent examples of women who were driven to do what they simply must.” Valerie Green reviews Bloom Across Canada: 50 Inspiring Conversations by Beka Shane Denter (Victoria: Heritage House Publishing, 2024) $42.95 / 9781772035001
“Amos connects Hughes’ reflective style of painting to his personal association with place in a way that illuminates man, art, and location to the reader.” Matthew Downey reviews two books by Robert Amos: E.J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island, new edition (Victoria: Touchwood Editions, 2024) $30 / 9781771514248 & E.J. Hughes: Life at the Lake (Victoria: Touchwood Editions, 2023) $25 / 9781771514194
Debut volume of poetry exhibits “a clarity of intent and style fully mature and confident in its own power.” —Cathy Ford reviews Boundary Territory, by Renée Harper (Surrey: Now or Never Publishing, 2024) $19.95 / 9781989689776
Set in an apartment building that is “like a big hug,” The Secret Office is aimed at Grade Three readers, “but its appeal transcends easy age categorization.” —Ginny Ratsoy reviews The Secret Office,
by Sara Cassidy (illustrated by Alyssa Hutchings) (Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 2024) $8.95 / 9781459839465
Attractive and handcrafted, a trio of chapbooks also showcase poets with unique gifts for observation and reflection. —Heidi Greco reviews Warp and Weft, by Carla Stein (Chilliwack: Tigerpetal Press, 2024) $15.00 / 9780995863972), Future Tense, by Lauren Peat (London: Baseline Press, 2024) $15.00 / 9781998521005), a tangle of words, by Yvonne Adalian, Mavis Beggs, Elektra Harris, Natalie Hryciuk, barb snyder, and B. Violet [self-published, 2024]
“For the reader, it’s the enjoyment of a thousand experiences and observations unexpectedly articulated, and that’s the thing about this novel. Every sentence.” —Caitlin Hicks reviews Chandelier, by David O’Meara (Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2024) $22.95 / 9780889714762
“[A]ctually, strictly speaking, the weather says nothing, even as its increasing excesses implicitly critique the ruinous choices we make as a country and across the globe.” —Carellin Brooks reviews The Weather Says, by Catherine Owen (Spokane: Carbonation Press, 2024) $20.00 / 9781304231015
“Once again, as with his previous graphic novels, he offers readers a lesson in ‘history from below’ about how ordinary people can rally against tyranny.”—Ron Verzuh reviews Revolution by Fire: New York’s Afro-Irish Uprising of 1741, A Graphic Novel, by David Lester and Marcus Rediker with Paul Buhle (Boston: Beacon Press, 2024) $18.95 / 9780807012550
“Aside from the copious illustrations and comparisons of passages from Kane’s primary journals, the scribes account, and the final publication, there are the 14 sections of the preface, detailed maps, “Discussion” and “Notes” for each of the 25 chapters, which bring to life the “times, which is academically thorough and comprehensive.” Christina Johnson-Dean reviews Paul Kane’s Travels in Indigenous North America: Writings and Art, Life and Times, by I.S. MacLaren (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024) $450 (cloth, boxed four-volume set) / 9780228017479
Masterful debut story collection captures innocence and its loss as well as gradual recoveries from precipitous falls. —Linda Rogers reviews Transactions With the Fallen, by Michael Elcock (Oakville: Rock’s Mills Press, 2024) $25.00 / 9781772443233
“Rhenisch jam-packs his songs with ideas, zooming and spanning, yet with the grace of a skilled composer; a song might jar and rattle while at the same time carry a croon that compels. A reader cannot help but be swept and stilled simultaneously in the lyric experience.” —Steven Ross Smith reviews The Salmon Shanties: A Cascadian Cycle, by Harold Rhenisch (Regina: U Regina Press, 2024) $19.95 / 978177940154
“Trained in visual art … FitzGerald arrived in Victoria in March 2020 having made her decision to sketch and write about the city before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada and beyond. The focus of the book is ‘on the life pulse of the city of Victoria that kept on going in spite of it.'” Mary Ann Moore reviews Hand Drawn Victoria: An Illustrated Tour in and around BC’s Capital City, by Emma FitzGerald (Toronto: Appetite [Penguin Random House], 2024) $19.95 / 9780525611042
An accomplished, sometimes surreal debut poetry collection fascinates with its immersive scenes and stark memories. —Marguerite Pigeon reviews The Sacred Heart Motel, by Grace Kwan (Montreal: Metonymy Press, 2024) $18.95 / 9781998898169
Essay collection relates the “great pleasure of strolling in great cities” and offers an appealing and illuminating “window into a wider world.” —Bill Paul reviews The Coincidence Problem: Selected Dispatches 1999-2022, by Stephen Osborne (Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2024) $24.95 / 9781551529653
“Remembering, as British writer George Orwell showed in his Homage to Catalonia, brings bloody thoughts to the surface and can unearth opposing memories. Spaner does not shy from including such moments and these add a tough realism to the novel.” —Ron Verzuh reviews Keefer Street, by David Spaner (Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2024) $24.95 / 9781553807209